How to Reduce Large Pores With Only 1 Ingredient! – Easy Homemade - Healthy Lifestyle

How to Reduce Large Pores With Only 1 Ingredient! – Easy Homemade

Commercial skin care products promise to tighten skin, shrink pores and treat skin conditions, but these come packed with harsh chemicals, plus they cost a real fortune.

Why do not you try our homemade natural remedies? They promise even greater results, and you are safe from the toxins. Baking soda is the most powerful product you will ever find.
Combine baking soda and water into a thick paste, and apply it on your face. Let it do its job for 15 minutes, then rinse well with cool water.
We give you some more natural remedies that will bring you that healthy skin glow you dream of. They all use two or three simple ingredients.
Egg White and Lemon Juice:
Slightly whisk two egg whites and add in a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture on your face, and let it dry for several minutes. Rinse well. This face mask tightens pores and removes excess skin oil and dead skin.
Almond and Lime Juice:
Soak a few almonds in a small bowl, and leave them overnight. Next morning, mash the almonds into a paste and add a teaspoon of fresh lime juice. Apply the mask on your face, and leave it on for an hour. Rinse with cold water.
Tomato and Lime Juice:
Combine tomato juice and 2-4 drops of lime juice.
Use a cotton bowl to apply the powerful juice mixture on your face. Let it work for 15 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.
Tomatoes have astringent effect, and lime juice eliminates excess skin oil.
This homemade tonic is great for skin pores as well.
Cucumber,Lemon and Rosewater
Peel and grate the cucumber and add a few drops of lemon juice to it.
Stir in a teaspoon of rosewater as well. Transfer the aromatic mixture to a clean cloth and apply it onto your face. Rinse well.
Lemon and Pineapple Juice
Juice half a lemon and pour in half a cup of fresh pineapple juice.
Soak a gauze or other cloth of your choice in the juice mixture, and apply it on your face. Let it do its magic for 5 minutes and rinse.
Enzymes in pineapples tighten and cleanse skin.
Moreover this mask offers an amazing astrinent effect, since lemon juice is really powerful.
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