The 5:2 Diet for Beginners - Healthy Lifestyle

The 5:2 Diet for Beginners

The 5:2 Diet for Beginners

What Is the 5:2 Diet & How Does It Work?

This week my I am starting the 5:2 Diet to lose a few pounds. We heard about it from my wife’s sister who lost over 20 pounds in just a couple of months so my wife decided to give it a try. I’m not a huge fan of diets, I think it’s more about “eating less and exercising more” but that doesn’t seem to be working so I don’t mind trying something new.
Like a good husband, when my wife starts a diet, I try it to see if it can work for me. Makes meal planning much easier. So as I’m writing about this relatively new diet, I’m a little hungry because today is one of my two low calorie intake days.

The 5:2 Diet Explained

Basically, the 5:2 Diet lets you eat like you normally do for 5 days a week but then eat a low, low calorie diet (almost fasting) on the other 2 days. For my wife, this means just 500 calories for her and 600 calories for me. I’ll get into the basic reasons in a moment but you can read Gina Crawford’s book (and it will only take you about 30 minutes), The 5:2 Diet for Beginners – A Quick Start Guide to Intermittent Fasting, Rapid Wight Loss and a Long Healthy Life.

Dr. Michael Mosley

According to Gina Crawford, Dr. Michael Mosley is the “founder of the 5:2 Diet” and author of The FastDiet that I’m guessing goes into much more detail than Ms. Crawford’s guide for beginners.  Born in India, Dr. Mosley is now a BBC television journalist who produces shows on medicine and biology.
After a short banking career, Mosley decided to become a psychiatrist and studied at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School. Right after he graduated from medical school in 1985, he became an assistant producer trainee for the BBC. It was in 2012 that he was credited with popularizing the 5:2 Diet.

We Were Designed to Fast

According to Gina Crawford who I’m guessing learned this from Dr. Mosley, we human beings were designed to fast. Back in the day, I’m talking 1,000 years ago, people didn’t eat whenever they were hungry. They would go out and hunt a meal, eat it and then not eat until they went out to hunt for another meal. In between there were no cookies or chips for snacks.
This periodic not eating would according to Dr. Mosley put “good” stress on the body that promotes “better health and weight loss”.  Add some strenuous exercise for 10 minutes a day, three days a week and you have a new diet.

My Conclusion – I’m Going To Give It A Try

I’m not going to go into anymore details of how and why this diet may or may not work. I’ll let you read the books and decide for yourself if this is something you may be interested in doing. I’m going to give it a try with my wife and see if one, it works and two, if it fits in with our lifestyle.
I’ll report back on my social media pages like Facebook and Google Plus on what kind of results we’re having, share some low cal recipes and give you our general feelings about the diet.


As with any diet, I highly recommend you first discuss it with your medical doctor to make sure he or she is on board with it and approves before starting. Very important they know what you are planning to do before getting into it.
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