Quick Weight Loss - Healthy Lifestyle

Quick Weight Loss

7 Lunch Recipes
Turkey-Avocado Melt
Place 2 to 3 slices roasted turkey, 2 slices avocado, and 1 slice low-fat pepper jack cheese between 2 slices whole-grain bread. Grill in skillet. 303 calories

Penne with Feta and Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Toss 1/2 cup cooked whole wheat pasta with 1 cup sauteed spinach and 2 tablespoons each pine nuts and low-fat feta. Sprinkle with capers and chopped sun-dried tomatoes. 378 calories

Guacamole Burger
Cook a veggie burger according to package directions. Mash half an avocado with 1/2 cup salsa. Top burger with avocado mixture; serve on a whole-grain bun. 396 calories

Udon-Tofu Soup
Combine 1/2 cup cooked udon with 1 cup spinach and 1 1/2 cups hot vegetable broth. Add 1/2 cup cubed tofu, 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms, and 1 teaspoon soy sauce. 226 calories

Spinach Flatbread Pizza
Spread 1/3 cup tomato sauce on 1 naan. Top with 2 cups spinach, 1/4 cup low-fat mozzarella cheese, and 1 tablespoon slivered almonds. Bake at 350 degrees F. until melted. 366 calories

Zesty Black Beans
Cook 1/2 cup each black beans, chopped bell pepper, and chopped onion and 1 chopped jalapeno in a pan with 2 teaspoons olive oil for 5 minutes. Place over cooked brown rice; top with 1/4 avocado, sliced. 305 calories

Chopped Chicken Salad
Place 3 ounces chopped chicken, 2 tablespoons crumbled low-fat blue cheese, 1/2 cup chopped cucumber, and 1 tablespoon each chopped pecans and dried cranberries on 2 cups lettuce. Toss with 2 tablespoons vinaigrette. 356 calories
7 Breakfast Recipes
Chocolate and Peanut Butter Smoothie
In a blender, combine 3/4 cup frozen berries, 1/4 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup low-fat chocolate soy milk, and 2 tablespoons reduced-fat all-natural peanut butter. 355 calories

Egg-White Muffin Melt
Scramble 3 egg whites. Cover half of a whole-grain English muffin with 1/2 cup spinach and the other half with 1 slice reduced-fat cheddar cheese; toast until cheese is melted. Add egg and 1 slice tomato. 270 calories

Berry Parfait
Top 1/2 cup low-fat Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup low-fat granola, 1 teaspoon slivered almonds, 1 tablespoon honey, and 1/2 cup berries. 303 calories

Cinnamon-Apple Oats
Prepare 1 packet plain, instant oatmeal with 1/2 cup skim milk. Microwave 3/4 of a small apple, chopped, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and 1 teaspoon brown sugar. Top oatmeal with apples and 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts. 255 calories

Mexican Egg Scramble
Scramble 3 egg whites with 1/4 cup canned black beans (rinsed and drained) and 1 ounce reduced-fat cheddar cheese. Top with 2 tablespoons salsa, or to taste. 191 calories

Peanut Buttery Bagel
Toast a whole-grain bagel and spread with 1 tablespoon reduced-fat all-natural peanut butter. Cover with slices from 1 apple. 335 calories

Berry Waffles
Top 2 whole-grain waffles with 1/4 cup low-fat plain yogurt, 1/2 cup mixed berries, and 2 teaspoons maple syrup. 246 calories
7 Fat-Fighting Snacks
4 whole-grain crackers and 1 ounce reduced-fat cheddar 103 calories
1 banana dipped in 1/2 ounce melted dark chocolate 176 calories
Low-fat pudding cup topped with 2/3 cup berries 146 calories
2 tablespoons hummus with 4 baby carrots 66 calories
10 tortilla chips with 2 tablespoons spicy black bean dip 135 calories
1/2 cup low-fat ricotta cheese with 1 cup sliced berries and 2 teaspoons honey 209 calories
1 slice toasted cinnamon raisin bread with 1/2 ounce melted dark chocolate and 1/2 sliced banana 223 calories
1 cup frozen strawberries blended with 1 tablespoon lime juice and 1 teaspoon honey topped with 1 tablespoon coconut 137 calories
1/3 cup dried apricots dipped in 1/2 ounce melted dark chocolate and 1/4 ounce chopped pistachios 210 calories
1/2 cup fat-free berry sorbet 120 calories
2 cups popcorn topped with 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese 84 calories
2 hard-boiled eggs with 4 whole-grain crackers 178 calories
1 flour tortilla topped with 2 chopped slices avocado and 3 tablespoons black beans 197 calories
1/2 cup blueberries mixed with 1 tablespoon honey and 1/2 cup low-fat plain yogurt 182 calories

How can a quick weight loss also be a healthy weight loss? Truthfully, if this is the thought on your mind, you are miles ahead of the majority of people interested in weight loss today. In fact, the true thought that the majority of weight loss seeker are having is, “How can I have a quick weight loss?” There is no mention of a healthy weight loss at all!
The problem is that everyone wants the results, but doesn’t care about what they have to do to get there. More importantly, they don’t care about the long term negative affects that will follow their quick weight loss. In order to achieve your healthy weight loss and for it to also be a quick weight loss, you must make some fitness tuning changes to your body.
Now that we’ve identified that your mind should be on how a quick weight loss must also be a healthy weight loss, let’s get you there! We are going to address several things regarding your life and how you live it. I will give you the paths that you need to take in order for you to get to a healthy weight loss. Then you will need to go down those paths, one at a time.
How well and how dedicated you are to accomplishing the completion of those paths will determine whether or not you have a quick weight loss. I will give you the tools to make a healthy weight loss also be a quick weight loss, but you must use them, and use them properly, for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss to occur.
Step one, to achieve your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, will be to make some changes to your diet. You must, and must want to, start with your diet. If you are a person that has a minimal or non-existent amount of exercise done each week, then trying to tackle that step first can be disastrous. If you run into the gym, before you correct your dieting deficiencies, you will feel a great deal of fatigue during exercise, and possibly faintness, dizziness, and extended muscle soreness and fatigue afterwards.
To begin your stepping into a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, you must first begin with giving your body the nutrients that it needs. Otherwise, your quest towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will be that much more difficult, not to mention less enjoyable!
The dieting change to begin your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is your daily food intake. You should have three meals a day, each containing a carbohydrate, a fruit or vegetable, and a protein. These items must also be evenly proportioned for each meal. You should get plenty of whole grains in your diet, so make sure that your carbohydrate sources are whole grain as often as possible. Ensure that you also get plenty of good cholesterol in order to keep your cholesterol level under control.
This means that you should be eating a variety of nuts, eggs, and fish and including olive oil in your diet. In fact, I would recommend at least one meal a day which contains some kind of fish. Not only is it a good source of protein, but the Omega-3 oils that are contained in fattier fishes such as salmon and mackerel are essential for a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, as well as healthy living.
One Day Diet: What to Eat First Thing?
Body Cleanser Elixir Drink:
Add the juice of ½ a lemon and 30 drops neem tincture (mixed in cold water) to a mug of hot water with 2tsp honey (serves 1).

Good Morning Body Juice:
Wash and juice ¼ fennel bulb, 1 apple, ½ pear, 4 sprigs mint, 6 sprigs parsley, 1cm (½in) piece ginger, peeled. Add 1tsp Pure Synergy (or other living green powder) and mix with a fork (serves 1).
One Day Diet: Breakfast
Body Blender Breakfast:
Place 2dsp porridge oats, 1dsp wheatgerm, 3 semi-dried prunes, 1tsp ground flaxseed, lecithin granules and a little nutmeg in a measuring jug and top up to 200ml (7fl oz) boiling water. Soak for 20 minutes. Pour in a blender. Rinse jug with 100ml (4fl oz) hot water and add to blender. Whizz for a minute. Pour into a bowl and top with 2tsp pumpkin seeds, ½ apple or pear, chopped,
or a few strawberries. (serves 1).
Some fitness tuning suggestions for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss diet.In the morning, I start my day with a fruit, a bowl of oatmeal and some bacon or sausage, followed by a multivitamin. For lunch you should also plan your lunch to contain a protein source, a carbohydrate, and a vegetable. I only have fruit with my meal in the morning, due to the fact that the sugar will help you to start your day by giving you the energy that you need. Vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals than fruit and therefore must be of higher concentration in your diet.
My dinner always contains a meat, pasta or potatoes, and a steamed vegetable or salad. The fiber from the fruits and vegetables will slow down the absorption of the carbohydrates into your body, and will allow you to burn off absorbed carbohydrates before they can be stored as fat. By following these diet guidelines, your healthy weight loss will become a quick weight loss as well. Plus, you will have the energy to begin the next path towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey that will be found in Phase II.
Believe it or not, your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan involves snacks! In order to ensure that you are supporting your body’s needs for Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you must have two between-meal snacks. I continually use protein bars and protein shakes as my between-meal snack. However, I have also been known to use trail-mix that contains more nuts than fruits. Your goal is to ensure that your body is getting all of the proteins that it needs to support Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan. If you should ever feel a craving for something sweet, then have a piece of fruit.
Some fruits have more sugars than others, such as bananas, grapes, pineapples, raisins, and mangos, and should be eaten sparingly. These are the desserts that will help to lead to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, not to mention a healthier you.
You have now completed Phase I of your journey towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. You have started your fitness tuning process by ensuring that the foods that you take into your body are healthy and contain all of the elements needed for your body’s healthy lifestyle. I will be following this article with Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, but you will be able to get more information regarding proper dieting and the benefits from doing so by clicking on my fitness tuning website’s link below.
One Day Diet: Lunch
Vitality Soup 

Blend until smooth: 1 x 400g tin organic tomatoes, ½ small red onion, chopped, 1 small red pepper, chopped, large chunk cucumber, chopped, 2 garlic cloves, 1 fresh chilli or Tabasco sauce to taste, handful of basil. Add 1tbsp olive oil and 1tsp sugar to taste and blend for ten seconds. Season with black pepper and chill in fridge. Top with ½ avocado, 1dsp lecithin and chopped parsley (serves 2).
One Day Diet: Afternoon
Body Cleanser Elixir Drink 

In a blender chop 8 walnut halves, then add 1dsp almond butter, 1dsp pure fruit spread, 1dsp lecithin, 1tsp ground flaxseed, 1 dried fig, chopped, 3 dates, chopped, and mix for 30 seconds. Divide into 8 portions and make each into a ball. Roll in cocoa powder and chill for 30 minutes (they last for 4 days). Create a three-day detox by dropping the Nutty Evening Energiser and eating grilled chicken or fish with a little olive oil plus steamed or raw vegetables.
You will be able to join my free membership website, and gain access to all of the nutrition, dieting, and fitness information that I share with all of my members from week to week. Begin Phase I of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey today, and you will soon lead yourself to the results that you desire.
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